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Social Worker Month: Roxann, Vanessa, and Johanna

Social Worker Month: Roxann, Vanessa, and Johanna

Mar 31, 2023 | PEP, Staff


What is your position and how long have you been with FCA

My name is Roxann and I have been part of the foster care team for over 5 years now. I am the Functional Family therapist and Adolescent Program Coordinator in the foster care program.

Why do you think FCA’s work is integral for the community

Based on my experience, working with vulnerable families in the Fairfield and New Haven county, I know that FCA have played a crucial role in connecting bio-families and adoptive families with social emotional Support.  One of the many ways these families are supported is through the creation and implementation of the Functional Family therapy program.

What about your work for FCA are you most proud of and why

I am most proud of the relationships I have established with each foster family. It is also rewarding to see the reunification of children in care with their bio-families. 


  1. What is your position and how long have you been with FCA

    1. My position is Reunification & Therapeutic Family Time worker (RTFT), and I have been at FCA for 3 years. It has been great being in this position and being able to help families grow their bond, and be reunified about working their all their challenges.

  2. Why do you think FCA’s work is integral for the community

    1. I feel FCA’s work is integral for the community because everyone, especially families, deal and go through so many challenges and may not have the support they need at arms reach. Being able to have a company like FCA to go to and welcomes you with open arms is so humbling, and continues to help and support all individuals in any and all areas that they need. It can really change everyone’s why to living, and facing life each and every day.

  3. What about your work for FCA are you most proud of and why

    1. I am most proud of being able to be one of the many supports in a client/family’s life to be able to feel whole again no matter the outcome. I can always be someone they can look back and remember how much I supported them, recognized them for their strengths and not their challenges, and was able to motivate them to be their best self not only for their children but for themselves.


What is your position and how long have you been with FCA

I’m currently a case manager for Supportive Housing for Family. I’m also work under the ARPA program and PEP. I have been working for FCA for past 13 years.

Why do you think FCA’s work is integral for the community

What can I say about FCA, when you talk about FCA you think about your own family. I really feel that this is an Agency that works with integrity, professionalism, and dedication not only for the families we serve but for also through each of us as an employee.

What about your work for FCA are you most proud of and why

  1.  I’m most proud of all the support we offer to our client through each individual program by providing the tools they need to make a difference. Working for FCA taught me a lot about the value of teamwork and my passion for helping others.